Whether you’re cleaning the house, doing your laundry, or trying to unclog your drains, there are many chemicals that we use that shouldn’t go down the drain. If they do… well, it’s not good news for your plumbing! In this post, Upper Arlington Plumbing & Drain will look at some common household items and discuss which ones you should be wary about putting down the drain. 

What Chemicals Can You Put Down the Drain? 

There are several chemicals you can put down the drain. Some of these include: 

  • Water-soluble chemicals, such as dish soap, laundry detergent, and shampoo. A chemical that dissolves in water is considered water-soluble, while a chemical that needs to be dissolved in another substance before you can flush it down the drain is not water-soluble. Don’t pour any leftover household cleaners in the sink, though; instead, dispose of them in the trash. 
  • Non-reactive chemicals, including dish and laundry soap. A chemical is considered non-reactive if it doesn’t react with other chemicals or form new compounds.  They won’t react with other substances found in your pipes and create a hazardous situation for you or damage the pipes. 
  • Chemicals that are not toxic (for example, dish and laundry soaps). You should be careful when pouring out flammable liquids such as gasoline or paint thinner because they could potentially cause explosions if they come into contact with other materials found inside the drain line, such as grease or food waste buildup within pipes themselves. 

What Chemicals Should You Throw Away? 

Some chemicals are best thrown out, not poured down the drain. For example, don’t put any of these items in your drain: 

  • Any corrosive or reactive chemical that might eat through pipes or cause damage to other equipment. 
  • Anything non-reactive (such as salt) that won’t dissolve in water and could clog up drains if left to sit for long periods of time. 
  • Non-water-soluble materials like paint and pesticides—they’ll just collect at the bottom of your pipes, which can lead to serious blockages and damage over time! 

Can You Pour Bleach Down the Drain? 

One type of chemical that can be toxic if it goes down the drain is chlorine bleach, which is used for many cleaning tasks in your home. The main reason you should never use chlorine bleach on your drains is that it’s incredibly corrosive and can cause serious damage to pipes over time, especially when combined with other ingredients found in household cleaning products. It also contains chemicals that are harmful to fish and other wildlife if they find their way into waterways through storm drains or sewer systems (this happens more often than we’d like to think).  

If you want an environmentally friendly approach for cleaning your bathroom sink or toilet bowl, try baking soda mixed with lemon juice instead—it works just as well but doesn’t pose any risk. 

If you suspect any of your pipes have been damaged, call Upper Arlington Plumbing & Drain to schedule an inspection. We can let you know if any repairs or replacements are needed. So, call Upper Arlington Plumbing & Drain today at (614) 363-1924, or schedule an appointment by clicking here