How Can I Test If My Pipes Have Lead In Them? 

Upper Arlington, Columbus, How To, Lead Pipes, Ohio, Plumbing, Plumbing Services, UA

When you’re considering whether to replace your home’s pipes, it’s important to know if any of them contain lead. Lead is a dangerous contaminant that can get into your water supply from old pipes and fixtures. The good news is that Upper Arlington Plumbing & Drain has several different ways to test for lead in your plumbing, so you can be confident that you’re making the best choice for your family’s health and safety. 

What Homes Are Likely to Have Lead Pipes? 

First, it’s important to note that all homes built before 1986 could have lead pipes. If your home was built before 1986 and you live in the U.S., there is a good chance that your water supply goes through lead pipes. 

In fact, according to the EPA, as many as 6 million households in the U.S. get their drinking water from lead pipes—and this number doesn’t even include people who live in multi-unit housing or those who get their water from private wells (which are not regulated by the EPA). 

What Are the Dangers of Lead Pipes? 

Lead is a toxic metal. It can be harmful to your health and cause: 

  • Nervous system damage, including brain and nerve damage 
  • Anemia 
  • Kidney damage 
  • Reproductive damage (for men and women) 

How Do I Know If My Pipes Contain Lead? 

It’s best to test your water in multiple locations of your home. Test the hot and cold water of multiple taps, faucets, and rooms. You can do this by using a Lead Check Testing Kit, which comes with swabs that you dip into the water. In addition, you’ll also want to test your pipes to see if they’re made of lead or copper. 

If I Find Out My Home Has Lead Pipes, What Can I Do to Remove Them? 

If you find out that your home has lead pipes, the first thing to do is remove them. You can’t just cover up the lead with another material, so this means digging up and replacing the pipe. 

If you decide to replace your piping with copper, you should be aware of two things: 1) it will be more expensive than other options, and 2) it may not work as well in terms of durability. Unfortunately, copper piping can burst more easily than other types of piping because its surface is softer than those of other metals. Because of this, many people opt for copper-coated steel or PEX tubing instead (though these options still require some maintenance). 

If you want to replace your pipes with something else besides copper but don’t have enough money for new ones right away (or perhaps ever), there are other options available, such as installing a filter on each faucet. 

Can a Plumber Test for Lead in My Pipes? 

If you think your home may have lead pipes, we would be happy to help. We can perform an inspection and provide you with a report on whether or not it is necessary to replace your pipes. 

Lead can be found in your drinking water if the pipes that bring the water into your home are made of lead or copper alloy (brass). Lead is also found in some types of solder used to join copper pipes and fittings. Furthermore, lead may also be present as a result of corrosion of these materials due to aging or damage from conditions such as pressure surges or freezing weather conditions.  

If you have any questions if there may be lead in your home’s plumbing system or if you have any other plumbing concerns, please give Upper Arlington Plumbing & Drain today at (614) 363-1924, or schedule an appointment by clicking here